About Baltasar Building Workshop

Our studio is featured by a particular attention to details. We believe that it is details that shows the quality of architecture.

Architecture details

The workshop of architecture Roberto Baltasar was created in 1989 with the desire to integrate in a common language the different levels of response of Architecture and Urbanism. Our job is nurtured by a spirit of research and innovation based on analyze of actual data contained in each program. This explains the double mission of our team, on the one hand, the Detail and the Architecture and the other hand, the City. Our main areas of activity reflect our desire to maintain a global vision of each project to ensure the formulation of its meaning and relevance of its inclusion in the site intends to host. The nature of our method of work leads us to intervene in the different fields of architecture, on the scale of the infinitely small to the infinitely large. We are working today with the aim of reconciler man with nature, which has enabled its existence. We believe that the question of happiness reside in the recognition of our own universal nature. Our projects must allow methods with the simplest expression of poetic nature of existence. We believe that in terms of architecture, the indispensable must allow the necessary essentials.

About The Team

Individual commitment to a group effort – that’s what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

Discover the team

Our team consists of experienced architects who develop the projects starting with a sketch and following it up to complete implementation of intended ideas.



Roberto Baltasar

CEO & Agency Founder
DPLG Architect

Main Team & Partners


Bethan Davies

Architect Manager – DPLG Architect
Interior Design Degree BA Hons, Mackintosh School


Gil de Bizemont

Cultural Manager
Academia di Belli Arti di Roma

Hoichi Kurisu

Landscape Partner

Technical Staff

Dave K., Graphic, 3D & Web Designer
Phlippe Buchet, Structural Engineer


Youcef Derdega, DE Architect
Yacine Adel, DE Architect


Mr. K, Development

Our Clients

We’re fortunate to have worked with some great brands.

  • Ville de Montrouge
  • Transtherm Technologies
  • Autovision
  • Fiat
  • Nexity
  • Technal
  • Alstom
  • La Hêtraie
  • LW Associés
  • Re-Corps Club de Sport Végétalisé
  • VA2I/Financière DARU